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Sacred Heart School - Battersea

Our Mission Statement

“A man took a grain of mustard seed, and sowed it in his field. Indeed, the seed is smaller than all seeds but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.” (Mathew 13.31)

Sacred Heart School - Battersea

The Sacred Heart School, Battersea

Sacred Heart Primary School is located in Este Road, with another entrance in Cabul road, and is a two-form entry primary school, with a Nursery. In addition, it also has a ASD Unit, Hiliary House, for children from across the borough who are on the Austin spectrum. The centre is named after Sr Hiliary Terrett FMA, a Salesian Sister who taught at the school for many years and who had a special charism for working with children with Special needs.

The school was established on its current site in 1990 blessed and opened by Bishop Howard Tripp on 14th May 1990 as the last school build by the former ILEA, replacing an older building which opened in 1879 located next to the Sacred Heart Church

The school is part of the Federation of the Sacred Heart and St Mary’s, School with one Executive headteacher across both schools and one governing body.

The school has a strong solid partnership with the Parish and the parish clergy are regular visitors to the school each week.

There is a very strong, Home School Parish partnership.

The school has a good academic tradition, a wonderful tradition of Music and Sport and of reaching out and embracing the wider community.

The school is a feeder school of St John Bosco, College, a Catholic Secondary school with a sixth form which is located in the parish is the Secondary School for the Wandsworth Deanery. The school is in the joint trusteeship of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Archdiocese of Southwark. Members of the Salesian Community are very involved in the life of the school with two of the Priests on the full-time staff and members of the community serving on the Governing body.

Sacred Heart aims to give every child the firmest possible grounding in the core academic subjects. We aim to develop their wider interests through the great breadth of our curriculum. We aim to ensure that they move on to their chosen secondary schools with the skills, values and habits that will enable them to thrive there. Above all, we aim to make education fun and to give children confidence.

The education we offer boys and girls draws on the very best of both traditional and innovative teaching methods. Children are stretched by an academically demanding and exciting curriculum taught in innovative and creative ways where the focus is on children’s learning. They are given unparalleled access to a whole raft of other activities from art, music, drama and games to gardening and cooking.The aim of all this is to broaden their horizons and to find something at which they shine. Having found this we celebrate their achievements and successes at every possible opportunity so that children’s enjoyment, self-confidence and esteem will grow. Sacred Heart is a vibrant caring Catholic community where children both know each other and all of the staff. Assemblies, led by both staff and children, afford the time for us to think about our Christian responsibilities towards others and to celebrate both individual and school achievements.

All this is designed to help us nurture and care for our children and for them to grow up to be confident and decent young people, tolerant of one another and clear about both right and wrong. Life at Sacred Heart is busy and at the end of a full day and week, children return home having had the time of their life.

Executive Head: Mr. Jared Brading

Associate Head: Mrs. Nicola Byrne

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